MultiQC Plugins
Learn about using plugins to extend MultiQC functionality.
MultiQC is built in such a way that externally managed Python packages can tie in to its functionality. This allows separate plugin tools to extend its capabilities, adding new modules, report templates and doing useful things with the parsed data.
The below list highlights a few plugins - some may be useful to you if they interact with external tools which you use, others may be helpful as reference for writing your own plugin.
If you've written a plugin for MultiQC that could be of general use, please let us know so that we can add it to this page!
Example MultiQC Plugin
A miniature example of a MultiQC plugin.
This example repository contains the following code to help you get started with writing your own MultiQC plugin.
MultiQC_Clarity inserts project-level and sample-level metadata from the BaseSpace Clarity LIMS into MultiQC Reports.
The plugin searches Clarity via the API for sample names found in log files. If exact matches are found, additional metadata is fetched and entered into the report.

Plugin for multiqc tool to add in-house QC metrics about coverage, variants and general values generated by bcbio-nextgen pipeline.
MultiQC_NGI adds custom functionality for the National Genomics Infrastructure at SciLifeLab in Sweden.
Extends MultiQC with additional custom plugins and themes, allows interaction with an in-house database. Not much use for others outside of NGI, but can be helpful as a guide for how such plugins can be written.